Hi everyone. Bonnie from Really Reasonable Ribbon here today with a tutorial for an easy Jute Loopy Flower embellishment. It can by used for many different crafty applications and although I love it made with jute string, you can use a variety of different cords and ribbons and get lots of great looks.
I first saw this loopy flower on a blog feed from one of my favorite blogs Stamp Talk with Tosh. I get tons of great ideas and inspirations from her blog and if you have not visited, you really should!! Tosha was kind enough to give me her blessing on sharing my take on how to create one of these gorgeous flowers. I urge you to take a look at Tosha’s beautiful card and jute flower that inspired mine. More great news is that Tosha has agreed to be our guest designer for April. I can’t wait!!
Here is a closer look at the flower.
Loopy Jute Flower Tutorial
Jute String or narrow ribbon or twine of your choice
Cut twelve 2-1/4″ pieces and eight 2″ pieces of Natural Jute String. Set aside.
Begin by covering your 1″ cardstock circle with ScorTape. If you don’t have 1″ wide ScorTape, you can use multiple strips of a narrower width to cover the circle. I just fold the overhang up and over as shown below. Now if you don’t have ScorTape and you play nice with your glue gun, I suppose you can use that too. I have a love/hate relationship with my glue gun, so the tape is the far better option for me.
Begin placing 4 loops on to the sticky circle as shown below. The ScorTape is super sticky, so just press it down well and it won’t go anywhere.
Then fill in with two more pieces in each opening….
until the first round is complete.
Here I added another layer of ScorTape. Press it down well with your fingers or a bone folder and peel the paper off to expose the adhesive.
Now for the second round I staggered the pieces and began as last time with 4 pieces – top, bottom and both sides.
Now add one additional piece in between each of the first 4 pieces.
Now I add a big glob of hot glue. I want to make sure some hot glue seeps down and touches the ends of each piece for extra security. I will also adhere my button or whatever embellishment I have for the center at the same time. I had already prepared my button stack and tied the little bow made from Cotton Candy Baker’s Twine.
Now I’m the type of girl who colors in the lines, measures everything (twice!) and has to have everything line up neat and tidy. That’s just how I roll!! That being said, this flower looks fantastic when it’s made in a more random fashion too. No need to measure out your loops or put exactly 12 on the first row and 8 on the second row. Play around with it and see what you like.
And here is my finished flower.
Here are a few more I made. The one on the top left is made using Variegated Pastel Hemp. This makes a beautiful and more delicate flower.
The top right and bottom left are made with 1/8″ Grosgrain.
Thanks for this . I am new to working with hemp and string
I usually use die cut flowers for projects but am going to have a go with these. I was amazed how expensive the hemp ones are to buy readymade on Etsy. Could use pretty coloured wool also for this and even glass beads/stones as centre pieces.
Told you I loved this post, & I loved making my first flower. Thanks for your guidance & I hope you don't mind, I've put a link back to your blog off my post. Just say if you want me to remove this? Jx
Love your blog and this project – so pretty! Just wanted to let you know I featured it in my roundup of jute craft projects here. Feel free to check it out if you want and hope you like it! : )
These are awesome. I just came across your tutorial. Thank you for the great instructions. I made 2 flowers so far. If you would like to see them, they are on my Instagram at:
All content, including designs, pictures and words is the exclusive property of the designer. Information shared here is for inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, competition or profit. Thank you so much for your cooperation.
Beautiful card, fabulous flower. Thanks for joining us at ABC for our challenge
hugs Louise
Thanks for this . I am new to working with hemp and string
I usually use die cut flowers for projects but am going to have a go with these. I was amazed how expensive the hemp ones are to buy readymade on Etsy. Could use pretty coloured wool also for this and even glass beads/stones as centre pieces.
So glad you like the flowers and tutorial Janet. Have fun making the flowers!! 🙂
I so want to try this – I hope I have the patience cause the end result is brilliant! Thank you so much for posting this. Jx
Told you I loved this post, & I loved making my first flower. Thanks for your guidance & I hope you don't mind, I've put a link back to your blog off my post. Just say if you want me to remove this? Jx
These flowers are absolutely STUNNING, Bonnie! And I LOVE the tutorial!! I've nominate you and your blog for the Liebster Award. Please feel free to visit my blog @ https://stampandink.blogspot.com/2013/04/liebster-award.html for more info
Oh my gosh!! I love those flowers!!! Thanks so much for showing us how to make them!!
Love your blog and this project – so pretty! Just wanted to let you know I featured it in my roundup of jute craft projects here. Feel free to check it out if you want and hope you like it! : )
Thanks so much Elizabeth. I'd love to check it out but you didn't add a link and I can't find it. 🙁
I did it! Thank you for the great instructions. I am only crafty if someone shows me how 😉
These are awesome. I just came across your tutorial. Thank you for the great instructions. I made 2 flowers so far. If you would like to see them, they are on my Instagram at: